Religious Conflicts and Coping Strategies
Dr. Jessica Lampe (Postdoctoral Researcher in Psychology of Religion Division of Spiritual Care, Psychology of Religion and Religious Education (Prof. Dr. I. Noth), Institute of Practical Theology, University of Bern, CH)
Project within the interfaculty research study on religiousconflicts and coping strategies titled Religious Coping Styles among People Dealing with Internal Religious and Spiritual Struggles under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Isabelle Noth and Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Znoj.
In the Religious and Spiritual Struggles interfaculty project, we deal with the overarching question of what effects religiously motivated conflicts have on psychological and social life. In addition to validating instruments that have so far hardly been used in the German-speaking world, the main issue is to find out which of these conflicts impact psychological health and how these conflicts are dealt with. The project is particularly interested in the experience of migrants.
Project publications:
Lampe, J.; Noth, I.; Znoj, H. Incongruency and spiritual struggles (in preparation).
Lampe, J.; Würbel, H.; Burman; O.; Melotti, L. (2019). Play like me: similarity in playfulness promotes social play. PLOS ONE 14(10): e0224282.
Lampe, J.; Noth, I.; Znoj, H. Religious and spiritual struggles and coping in a German-speaking sample: a validation study. Archives of Psychology of Religion (Submitted).
Noth, I. & Lampe, J. (2019). Spiritual Struggles. In: Leeming D. (eds) Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
Noth, I. & Lampe, J. (2019). Religious and spiritual conflicts: a psychological perspective. Pastoral Psychology (Accepted).