Titleimage: Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine

Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine deals with the experience and behavior of people in the context of health and illness. Both basic and applied questions are researched. Our department has the following thematic foci:

  • Health behavior change
  • Bio-psycho-social aspects of health promotion, prevention and disease management
  • Global health and environmental health
  • Sexual health

We study these topics using experimental and non-experimental methods with specialization in ambulatory assessment and intervention methods using mobile technology.

News and Events

Welcome Lidija Zbinden!

Lidija Zbinden is the new head of the secretariat of the GPV department as of 1 May. We look forward to working with her and extend a warm welcome!

Outstanding Teaching

Corina Berli, lecturer at the Department of Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, received an outstanding evaluation result for her seminar on 'mHealth in the context of chronic diseases.' The entire team warmly congratulates her on this success.

Erfolgreicher Doktoratsabschluss

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an unser Team Mitglied Vica Tomberge zur erfolgreichen Verteidigung ihrer Dissertation mit dem Titel ‘Women’s health behavior in unequal gender power relations – The example of carrying heavy loads in Nepal‘. Wir gratulieren herzlich zum summa cum laude und wünschen alles Gute für die Zukunft!

Neue Doktorin

Neue Doktorin

Michèle Borgmann verteidigte am 26.04.23 mit Bravour ihre Dissertation zum Thema “Sexual Pleasure Matters: Defining, Operationalizing and Promoting Sexual Pleasure”. Das gesamte Team gratuliert herzlich zu diesem Erfolg und zum Abschluss ihres Doktorats!

Initiator Grant for Dario Baretta

Dr Dario Baretta has been awarded the Initiator Grant from the University of Bern for the preparation of a SNSF starting grant proposal in 2024. The team congratulates Dario to this success!
During the Initiator Grant, Dr Baretta will carry out an intensive data analysis plan to extend the existing knowledge on the association between critical transitions and early warning signals in the context of physical activity.

SNF Grant: Melanie Bamert receives Doc.CH Grant.

Melanie Bamert, PhD candidate at the GPV department, has been awarded a Doc.CH Grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation for her dissertation project "Predicting health behavior by measuring stress in daily life". We warmly congratulate her on this success!


Excellent Teaching

Michèle Borgmann, PhD student at the Department of Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, received an excellent evaluation result for her proseminar on sexual health. She is one of the few lecturers who achieved a rating of ≥ 5.7. The whole team congratulates her on this success.

Congratulations Dr. phil. Benjamin Ambühl!

Benjamin Ambühl successfully completed his dissertation on "The Role of Psychological Ownership in Community-based Piped Water Supply Infrastructure in Nepal and India" under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Jennifer Inauen and Prof. Dr. et dipl. zool. Hans-Joachim Mosler. On October 7, he received his doctoral degree in a ceremony at the Faculty of Humanities.

New Lecturer Health Psychology

Dr. phil. Corina Berli is a new lecturer at the department since August 15, 2022.
Welcome to the team!

2022/09/07 Gesundheitspsychologie und Verhaltensmedizin

Habit promotion for physical activity

Dario Baretta, Early Postdoc at the Department of GPV has received CHF 39'250 from the Suzanne and Hans Biäsch Foundation for the research project "Understanding habit formation in physical activity behavior: An idiographic approach". Congratulations on this success!

2022/05/25 physical activity behavior

Neue Doktorinnen

Noemi Brog und Julia Hegy haben im März erfolgreich ihre Dissertationen verteidigt.
Wir gratulieren herzlich!


Preis der Seniorenuniversität für Alternsforschung

Rahel Schärli wird am diesjährigen Dies Academicus für Ihre an unserer Abteilung verfasste Masterarbeit «Steigerung der körperlichen Aktivität von älteren Menschen mittels Implementationsintentionen und motivationalen Interventionen» mit dem Preis der Seniorenuniversität für Alternsforschung ausgezeichnet. Wir gratulieren!

Förderung von sicherem Trageverhalten durch Selbstwirksamkeit und Soziale Unterstützung für Frauen in Nepal

Vica Tomberge, Doktorandin an der Abteilung GPV hat für das Forschungsprojekt “Förderung von sicherem Trageverhalten durch Selbstwirksamkeit und Soziale Unterstützung für Frauen in Nepal” CHF 50'000 von der Stiftung Suzanne und Hans Biäsch eingeworben. Wir gratulieren herzlich zu diesem Erfolg!

BECCCS: Behavior change in context to contain the spread of SARS-CoV-2

Prof. Dr. Jennifer Inauen hat von der Ursula Wirz-Stiftung Forschungsförderung erhalten zur Durchführung des Forschungsprojekts BECCCS: Behavior change in context to contain the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Im Rahmen des Projekts soll eine theorie- und evidenzbasierte App entwickelt werden, um das Präventionsverhalten der Bevölkerung im Kontext von Covid-19 zu fördern.


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